Sunday 7 April 2013

The Adventure Annual - 1953

I came across this great looking cover recently in an old book store (on both counts, it was a store selling old books and the store itself was old) in Chester. The book itself has been through the wars a bit but who could resist buying something with a cover that impressive.
The robot has a surprisingly CGI look about it for something that was created back in 1953, and artist Denis McLoughlin does a really good job of both the colour cover and internal black and white pages, and even makes a typically human error with the number of eyes his robot has (as shown on the sampled panel at the top of the posting).
The story itself, by Colin McLoughlin, is typical of the time, a bad guy, the hero's girl needs to be saved, the solar system needs saving at the same time and it all resolves itself very nicely for all parties (except the bad guy of course).
The hero Swift Morgan had the feel of Dan Dare and Flash Gordon about him, and I found a little information about the book on the Dan Dare Info website which is nice.
I do love the feel of 1950's Science Fiction, and this story has it all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    Great post, firstly! I read somewhere that this book has an illustrated story about Gemini? Is that true? (I'm doing a thesis on the illustrated Gemini for my undergraduate and I'm trying to find as many illustrations from comics that I can!)
